Chaotic abstract games (CHAG)
(too old to reply)
Moh Bel
2017-09-21 15:21:38 UTC
Yes! I designed a new kind of abstract games.
I called them chaotic abstract games (CHAG) without even defining them.
The chaos is not about the board type, nor about the pieces,....
The chaos is inherent to the game play.
Imagine that each and any move will lead to complete new situation where the player have to decide a move like if it is his first move. Otherwise the game is purely tactical. No one can build a strategy. The game duration is infinite. Each player score points and that`s it. Like a boxing fight but without Ko`s.
I developed some ideas about such type of games.
For sure it exists even if I did not check it some particular game having such property. Then it will be considered as really new game. It will have some fatherhood.
My idea is to generate 1000`s games built on such chaos.
So I need to design some common pattern with few parameters.
It will be then easy for anyone to build his own game using his own ideas.
Everyone could be a game designer!

I will come back to give more precise view about what I have in mind.
For now I had just put my concept using few words letting many questions unanswered.
Moh Bel
2017-09-22 20:46:53 UTC
Post by Moh Bel
Yes! I designed a new kind of abstract games.
I called them chaotic abstract games (CHAG) without even defining them.
The chaos is not about the board type, nor about the pieces,....
The chaos is inherent to the game play.
Imagine that each and any move will lead to complete new situation where the player have to decide a move like if it is his first move. Otherwise the game is purely tactical. No one can build a strategy. The game duration is infinite. Each player score points and that`s it. Like a boxing fight but without Ko`s.
I developed some ideas about such type of games.
For sure it exists even if I did not check it some particular game having such property. Then it will be considered as really new game. It will have some fatherhood.
My idea is to generate 1000`s games built on such chaos.
So I need to design some common pattern with few parameters.
It will be then easy for anyone to build his own game using his own ideas.
Everyone could be a game designer!
I will come back to give more precise view about what I have in mind.
For now I had just put my concept using few words letting many questions unanswered.
To make the game duration infinite I`m going to use a metaphor : the board will be like some container you fill it with liquid (tokens or stones) in the first phase and once the the board-container is filled you start to empty it in the second phase.
The process will be repeated ad infinitum.

Now it is time to focus on the idea of chaos.
Chaos here does not means lack of order.
Chaos here is viewed as moves allowed on some bounds. Forget about the same move on each turn.
A player A have to create each time a completely new situation for his opponent B and vice-versa. How to achieve this goal?
I will post some ideas later on how to do it.
We must keep in mind that the set of moves must be manageable by human being player. My goal is not to introduce complexity for the sake of complexity.
At least one or 2 moves must be original.
Moh Bel
2017-09-23 13:08:53 UTC
Post by Moh Bel
Yes! I designed a new kind of abstract games.
I called them chaotic abstract games (CHAG) without even defining them.
The chaos is not about the board type, nor about the pieces,....
The chaos is inherent to the game play.
Imagine that each and any move will lead to complete new situation where the player have to decide a move like if it is his first move. Otherwise the game is purely tactical. No one can build a strategy. The game duration is infinite. Each player score points and that`s it. Like a boxing fight but without Ko`s.
I developed some ideas about such type of games.
For sure it exists even if I did not check it some particular game having such property. Then it will be considered as really new game. It will have some fatherhood.
My idea is to generate 1000`s games built on such chaos.
So I need to design some common pattern with few parameters.
It will be then easy for anyone to build his own game using his own ideas.
Everyone could be a game designer!
I will come back to give more precise view about what I have in mind.
For now I had just put my concept using few words letting many questions unanswered.
To create a new situation for the opponent player I will introduce a possibility for a player to move (at least 1) an opponent stone in a way that such move could not be reversed by his opponent.
Dropping at least 2 stones per turn. So a player must move one the 2 stones just dropped. This action must be mandatory not optional.
What I`m doing now it is just a draft. That does not mean that I will not change it.

The game until now is defined in his main architecture :
- Filling the board by dropping stones (at least 2 per turn) in first phase and emptying the board in second phase. So the process could be repeated indefinitely. Anyway we could introduce some variants by making the game finite for some people who are haunted by what is commonly accepted. I want game infinite for life between 2. The idea behind is the more you play the more you discover a new way to play. Because the main goal for playing is not to win as used to be. It is like making love. You could have sex every day and each day one (often?) or the 2 partners enjoy it.

- Creating some chaos for your opponent by changing his "strategy". You must move one of his stone to make him rethink everything. And vice-versa. Anyone of the players will have that ability.

I need to define the way of dropping (or emptying the board) first and then the way of moving you own stones and the opponent stones.
It will take more time because I have to create 2 new and original ways of moving stones. So I fixed the actions for each player to 5 where the players chooses 3 (mandatory). Each player must perform 3 out of 5 possible actions.
3 actions out of 5 is manageable by a human being.
I`m still thinking on how to do it.
2017-09-24 03:06:15 UTC
Interesting concept. Fascinating topic. Chaos is almost always seen as a problem with a game. Most games strive to prevent chaos on the board; few try to use it in the game design. I'm fascinated by the idea and look forward to seeing what you do with it, because I've both banished chaos and used it to bring the "fog of war" to an abstract strategy game, and truly wish to see how others approach the topic.
2018-04-10 01:32:24 UTC
Joe contact me on face book

Ereets Kram
Moh Bel
2018-04-13 15:25:28 UTC
Post by m***@gmail.com
Joe contact me on face book
Ereets Kram
Hi my big friend!
How are you?
Hazen is dying (final stage)
2018-07-18 16:02:14 UTC
Post by m***@gmail.com
Joe contact me on face book
Ereets Kram
I've been unable to find you on Facebook or contact you anywhere else. You are hard to get ahold of. What's up?
2018-07-18 16:05:18 UTC
Post by m***@gmail.com
Joe contact me on face book
Ereets Kram
Can't find you on Facebook, or anywhere else. What's up? Left messages here and there, but I cannot find you on Facebook.
Moh Bel
2018-07-18 19:13:56 UTC
Post by joejoyce
Post by m***@gmail.com
Joe contact me on face book
Ereets Kram
Can't find you on Facebook, or anywhere else. What's up? Left messages here and there, but I cannot find you on Facebook.
Here is the facebook page of MARK STEERE


Good luck!
2018-07-18 20:36:07 UTC
Post by Moh Bel
Post by joejoyce
Post by m***@gmail.com
Joe contact me on face book
Ereets Kram
Can't find you on Facebook, or anywhere else. What's up? Left messages here and there, but I cannot find you on Facebook.
Here is the facebook page of MARK STEERE
Good luck!

Moh Bel
2017-09-27 15:44:53 UTC
I will use a metaphor to define what chaos means in games.
Imagine someone who spent lot of time building sand castle and then a guy come an remove part of the castle. So the one who is trying to build need to repair the damage. But when he starts to repair ideas come to his his mind to change what he plans originally to do. He will fix the damage but differently.
As it is a game then each player is going cause a damage to the opponent castle. This will go indefinitely. In the end after many "turns" no one will build castle in fact. Each player will have to minimize his efforts to build something interesting. Less efforts to better result.
That is in few words the core of chaotic games.
More sophisticated models will include set of rules where each player could apply under constraints. Out of 10 rules he need to use for each "round" (filling the board, emptying the board) only 5 rules for example. The rules used by both players could be different. They are part of the game play.
I recognize anyway that it will hard to establish equivalency between rules. This will surely lead to the use of some rules rather than others.
A mechanism of equating the rules seems to be necessary.
Moh Bel
2017-10-02 22:26:37 UTC
Post by Moh Bel
Yes! I designed a new kind of abstract games.
I called them chaotic abstract games (CHAG) without even defining them.
The chaos is not about the board type, nor about the pieces,....
The chaos is inherent to the game play.
Imagine that each and any move will lead to complete new situation where the player have to decide a move like if it is his first move. Otherwise the game is purely tactical. No one can build a strategy. The game duration is infinite. Each player score points and that`s it. Like a boxing fight but without Ko`s.
I developed some ideas about such type of games.
For sure it exists even if I did not check it some particular game having such property. Then it will be considered as really new game. It will have some fatherhood.
My idea is to generate 1000`s games built on such chaos.
So I need to design some common pattern with few parameters.
It will be then easy for anyone to build his own game using his own ideas.
Everyone could be a game designer!
I will come back to give more precise view about what I have in mind.
For now I had just put my concept using few words letting many questions unanswered.
I fixed the question of moving stones by creating new and original ways for dropping moving and removing stones.
I still do not want to create 2 or more kind of stones. That is a self-constraint of designing.
The idea of changing the status of a stone (or pawn) is used for example in checkers or chess (a pawn becoming a queen or any other piece). But there is more to create in that perspective. As the stone move or is dropped his status could change depending on the move or on the kind of dropping. There are many ways to do it. But we need to find ways that are easily memorized.

I`m still thinking to all those questions but I need something very new and original with huge effect on the game play.
Moh Bel
2017-10-07 14:33:15 UTC
I`m now at 5 original ways of moving and 5 original ways of dropping stones.
All my moves are inspired from the real life so it will be easy to remind them.
I will post those moves in detail as soon as I fix the configuration of the board (kind, size, extensible or not and so on).

The global architecture is built :
2 phases (filling the board and emptying)
5 moves and 5 kind of dropping : a player must choose 3 out of 5 (2 of the 3 related to friendly stones and 1 related to the opponents stones).

Problem to solve : testing on little board the mechanics to see if there is some bug or flaw. First individually and then all the mechanics in action.

I hope that there will be no problem.