"RUUHKA" - a new game
(too old to reply)
2020-07-02 17:01:30 UTC
I have made a game and put it to


All texts are in Finnish, but understanding them is not important.
You can find out the meaning of any button by clicking it.
(The button "OHJE" is not useful -- it only shows some unimportant
texts in Finnish.)

Do you like it?

2020-07-03 00:50:08 UTC
Post by Mikko
I have made a game and put it to
All texts are in Finnish, but understanding them is not important.
You can find out the meaning of any button by clicking it.
(The button "OHJE" is not useful -- it only shows some unimportant
texts in Finnish.)
Do you like it?
Is it an abstract game? can you just write the rules here?
Phil Carmody
2020-07-07 20:57:46 UTC
Post by a***@gmail.com
Post by Mikko
I have made a game and put it to
As someone who's been accused of having ruuhkatukka, this might appeal.
Post by a***@gmail.com
Post by Mikko
Do you like it?
Indeed, it has a pleasant time-wasting appeal to it from just a quick
play. Alas my colourblindness slows me down a bit, but the highlighting
of relevant pieces means that's not an stopping point.
Post by a***@gmail.com
Is it an abstract game? can you just write the rules here?
From my best undertstanding:

The game's called 'Traffic Jam', and the task seems to be to park all
the vehicles in their appropriately coloured garages at the corners of
the hexagon in as few moves as possible.

The difficulty levels are as follows:
Helppo = easy, helpohko = easyish, vaikeahko = hardish, vaikea = hard

You can orient a vehicle by clicking on it (it will highlight the
corner it's supposed to go towards as you mouse-over it), and as a
shortcut you can orient all vehicles of one colour towards their
respective garage by clicking on the garage.

You make a move with the 'askel' button. Only cars that can move
one space forward, with no other car trying to also move into that
space will move. That space does not need to be empty at the start
of the move, if it's occupied and its occupant is able to move out,
then that's fine. Spaces into which two or more cars would try to,
but fail to, move seem to be highlit with a ring - clarification is
needed from Mikko if I've got that right.

Yeah, it's fun and it's frustrating - good one Mikko!

If you want to copy/paste anything, this text is in the public domain.

We are no longer hunters and nomads. No longer awed and frightened, as we have
gained some understanding of the world in which we live. As such, we can cast
aside childish remnants from the dawn of our civilization.
-- NotSanguine on SoylentNews, after Eugen Weber in /The Western Tradition/